An entrepreneur on a journey of discovery

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Just keeping it real man

We live in the digital age, and what an astounding age it's turning out to be. The rate and ease of communication is mind boggling - I'm technically literate and it still amazes me that my brother and I can instant message each other in real time from opposite sides of the globe.

This mass communication has attracted the marketers who use these new rapid channels to push as much information as possible at everyone and anyone. There are successful campaigns but the majority is useless noise, millions of shards of data that bounce off your eyes but never make it to the brain.

The internet is becoming (if it isn't there already) the most powerful communications medium available. But how do we know what's real? Who do we trust? These aren't just internet related questions, consumers with money drawn have always asked these questions. It used to be that their network of people would provide the answers - classic word-of-mouth. As radio and television took off people had a new, higher voice they could listen to - that deep yet gently commanding voice in the advert on the radio or TV. But there was a problem brewing ..... that voice was a filthy liar!

The burger you get never looks as good as the one in the advert. Those pants looked great on the lady in the magazine but they make me look fat. That passenger is sitting in economy and smiling. Honey, the bloody TV is lying again!

And so the cynical consumer was born. The never trusting, always questioning customer. The marketers did this to themselves and it's their responsibility to now have to market to the cynical. But how do we know what's real? Who do we trust? The answer - they will trust what's real. Only companies that can show true value in real terms will cut through the cynicism. Deliver a real service, show real results, make a real difference to your customer and you will win. Don't airbrush your products, improve their durability. Don't promise the world, only what you can deliver. Tell your customers the truth. Keep it real!


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