An entrepreneur on a journey of discovery

Monday, February 05, 2007

FNB tackles crime - well almost

Sunday Times broke this story yesterday about First National Bank (FNB) backing down from a daring anti-crime campaign.

Much of the focus has been on government seeing it as an attack on the president, Thabo Mbeki, and how FNB buckled under the pressure from various interest groups. Yes they buckled under the pressure - of course they did. The South African government doesn't take kindly to criticism, and FNB realised that keeping their government accounts was more important than making a stand against crime.

Why FNB buckled raises a question: was the campaign designed to impact crime, or was it designed as a marketing "shock&horror" campaign with a flashing neon FNB logo?

I bank with FNB, and as their customer I feel quite proud that they at least attempted to make some noise about crime in SA. Even if it was designed as a marketing tool, the fight against crime is a worthy enough cause to be highlighted. I just wish they had followed through with the campaign because now they are only almost serious about crime.

Rather be hated than indifferent!


Blogger Revolving Credit said...

They probably had to cancel the campaign becasue someone misappropriated their fund!!

9:46 AM

Blogger Crusoe said...

I shudder to think of all the potential reasons - from sending the money to the wrong account, forgetting to photocopy the ID 60 times correctly, or may the teller simply forgot to appropriate the money.

It's FNB so anything could have happened :)

12:04 PM


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