An entrepreneur on a journey of discovery

Sunday, February 04, 2007

The high concept

An interesting blog post caught my eye about the idea of the high concept. The concept that any company marketing it's products or services should have a single, clear, understandable concept that easily articulates what is on offer, "communications around a high concept that can serve as the umbrella for an organisation"

From a PR point of view, the high concept is incredibly important in projecting a clear message. This helps because:

1. More than just the specialists in your industry can understand what you do
2. People that you reach can easily explain to others what you do (word of mouth)
3. By easily understanding what you do, potential customers can 'buy into' your offer faster and with less confusion

Sounds simple but it might not be. Can you create a high concept for your company? Describe in 6 words or less what you do in a way that any potential customer can understand. Mine is easy, "We achieve media coverage". Sure I would need more time to explain the benefits of media coverage, how we do it, where we truly add value - but pretty much anyone can understand and repeat those 4 words. If someone wants media coverage they will know who to phone.

(And before you relax too much, "we provide business solutions" doesn't count! Pencils are business solutions as well I'll have you know)

Certain companies choose not to define a high concept because it could haunt them in the future when they try to re-define their brand, or their services expand beyond a single industry. These companies use the 'business solutions' line in the hope that it will make sense, or they hand deliver a 50 page company overview when you ask what they do.

Corporations of this size generally have enough budget to market themselves without a high concept, but for the emerging companies trying to gain mind-share, defining your high concept is imperative.


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