An entrepreneur on a journey of discovery

Friday, March 30, 2007

Speak to my accounts department

After 5 years of running my business hands-on and creating invoices at the end of each month, I have finally let go (a little). This is the first month that my accountant will create invoices, send them directly to the clients, and track the payments - I don't have to do a thing. 5 years of creating invoices in a spreadsheet, checking them, exporting to PDF, and emailing them to my clients are finally over, and I'm feeling a little hollow.

Letting go of pieces of control is scarier than I thought, but I know it's the correct thing to do and I trust that my accountant will do it better than I ever did. For a small company that relies on regular payments, outsourcing this small part of the process is potentially dangerous but we have created and tested the systems and processes so I'm expecting success.

Aside from the peace of knowing that someone else has taken over the responsibility, I now get to tell people to speak to my accountants department which is not only novel - it creates much more free time for me to focus on other parts of the business.

May the delegation continue!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dad runs his own company and is forever sitting behind the pc making invoices and tracking payments so reading this got me all stoked to encourage him to also hand over his admin to accountants.

One of the admin problems that he has thought is that there are certain customers that just do not pay for work done and I can only imagine that with running your own business that you have also experienced this.

Did you find that when you delegated to the accountants that the number of defaulting customers decreased? Or do the accountants simply track things and leave debt collection to you?

(Looking forward to finding out what the new venture is :) )

8:06 AM


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