An entrepreneur on a journey of discovery

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Honesty for the brave

I heard a great definition of love today which goes something like this, "If they know the worst thing about you and are OK with that, then you know their love is real."

Imagine adopting this level of honesty within your company. Allowing your customers to know the worst thing about you and hoping they love you none-the-less. It's a brave strategy but the benefits could be phenomenal. Imagine a world where your customers love you in spite of your worst characteristics.

A few things would happen if you adopted this strategy:
- You could very well forge the strongest bonds with your customers
- By admitting to your weakness/flaw you can focus on fixing it openly with your customers
- You increase the chance that your customers will love you to the max

It is definitely risky, but by trying to hide your skeletons in the closet you are more likely to have a PR disaster in the future and lose the trust of your customers.


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